Anyone is welcome to speak or train at our conference. Schedule space is limited, so submit your proposal today for consideration! We're managing Abstracts via Eventzilla, this link will take you to that page.
All professionals in the information security field with something they want to share or teach others are welcome to submit a proposal. There is no minimum experience or certifications required.
Sure you can. We love the enthusiasm!
Any topics that would be relevant to information security and cybersecurity professionals are welcome. What's most important is that you are knowledgeable about the topic and can speak with confidence and accuracy.
Talks/trainings should not contain marketing pitches of any kind.
Please prepare a 300-character "elevator pitch" and a detailed bullet-point outline for your presentation that includes key takeaways. If your presentation involves participation from attendees, please let us know. These details will help us make an informed decision about your submission.
For more proposal submission guidance, please visit the links below.
We will use a Call-For-Papers (CFP) and Call-For-Trainers (CFT) platform that allows our submission approval committee to evaluate, provide feedback, and ultimately select the talks and/or trainings chosen.
After selections have been made, those who submitted by the deadline will be notified whether they were selected, wait-listed, or declined. These notifications should occur by the dates specified on our Important Dates timeline that can be found on this website's Home page and the public Google Calendar (linked below).
After selection, the organizers of BSides Bloomington will begin the registration process with the selected and wait-listed submissions and can also provide feedback on-request for those submissions that were declined.
The public Google Calendar can be accessed here: BSides Timeline
"Selected": The proposal has been chosen to move forward in the registration process and has a reserved time-slot on the conference schedule. A BSides Organizer will send additional requests for information and the process to prepare your submission for the conference.
"Wait-listed": In the event that we receive more desired submissions than we may have the time for or addition information based on feedback is requested, we will create a Wait List. This means the proposal has been chosen to move forward in the registration process but has not received a reserved time-slot on the conference schedule. Note: If we get enough submissions Wait Listed, we may open an additional talk track.
"Declined": The proposal has not been chosen to move forward in the registration process. Feedback can be requested. In the event that a proposal was declined, more detail may be necessary and requested, giving the submitter an additional opportunity to resubmit. If the submission is ultimately not selected, please try again next year.
No material that would be considered offensive by any reasonable person or child should be included in a presentation.
We're so glad that you're interested in sharing your expertise with our community. To give you the best chance of success, we want to provide information to help you prepare your proposal for submission.
Helpful CFP / CFT Submission Resources: